Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body

smooth athletic man displays his six pack of gleaming abdominal muscles


What are Skeletal Muscles?

Skeletal muscles are a type of striated muscle that attaches to the bones via tendons, i.e. they attach to the bones of the skeleton, hence their name.

As a result, skeletal muscles are responsible for the voluntary movement of the body and its various parts.

They are the most abundant type of muscle in the human body and account for about 40% of total body weight.

They are composed of long, cylindrical cells called muscle fibres which are arranged in bundles or fascicles.

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Force and Movement

The primary role of skeletal muscles is to generate force and movement. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the bone to which it is attached, causing movement of the body part.

The subsequent application of additional energy then creates force or pressure.

Skeletal muscles work in pairs, with one muscle contracting while the other relaxes to allow movement in both directions. This is known as agonist-antagonist muscle action. Movement pairs include:

Soothing loose muscles with therapeutic sports massage at Man Thing Massage Rockhampton

Remedial Massage and Physiotherapy are common treatments for ensuring that your skeletal muscles, long nerves, and associated joints function to their fullest ability.

Support and Structure

In addition to movement, skeletal muscles also play a role in maintaining posture and stabilising joints.

For example, the muscles of the lower back and abdomen work together to support the spine and maintain proper posture.

Similarly, the muscles of the shoulder and hip joints work together to stabilise these joints during movement.

Our skeletal muscles are constantly stabilising and adjusting all day, every day, to provide support to our bodies.

Anatomy of the Human Spine

Other Types of Muscle

The human body also contains smooth muscles and cardiac muscles.

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