Men - we are hopeless when it comes to taking care of our largest organ. No, get your mind out of the gutter; I'm talking about your skin.
Guys come into my waxing clinics every day, and in the colder months, I see your bodies changing.
So with winter approaching, here in Australia at least, I'm trying to get the message out there once again.
If you're overseas, keep reading anyway. Your winters are a lot worse than ours, and yours is not too far away.
Forget all that summery stuff. It's time to freeze. Winter - right now - is the time of year that your skin needs your attention the most.

Real Men Moisturise
In one word, here's the big scoop - Moisturise.
- Your clothes won't feel as itchy, especially thick or woolly jumpers;
- Moisturising makes you warmer. It provides a barrier between you and the cold;
- Regular moisturising will prevent wrinkles forming until later in life;
- Regular moisturising will prevent uneven pigment marks until later in life;
- It helps prevent chaffing from friction during sports;
- If you get waxed, moisturising makes it far, far, far less painful;
- With healthy skin, you'll look younger and you'll get laid more;

One final thing before we launch forth, is don't ask your wife or girlfriend's advice on the subject.
They don't know what they're talking about.
Women's skin is made of silk and honey and soft fluffy kittens.
Men's skin is made of second-hand conveyor belt and old bits of wire.
But moisturising makes me feel oily!
This is the most common complaint I hear from men and it's a fair call, but try not using as much, and also look at how thick the lotion is before you buy it.
If you want a thinner lotion, search for moisturisers labelled 'body milk' or similar, and avoid products labelled 'rich and thick' or 'body butter'.

What type of moisturisers should I buy?
To cover the essentials, you will need:
- a body moisturiser,
- a face moisturiser,
- and an eye cream
The skin and face are different types of skin. You can't use a body moisturiser on your face because it will clog up your pores and you'll get acne.
Your face needs a specific type of moisturiser with smaller molecules to be properly absorbed.
Your eyes are particularly delicate. That is why they also need a specific type of lotion.
Most body moisturisers can be used on your hands and feet too, but if you suffer from particularly dry hands or cracked heels and toes, I also strongly recommend:
- a light hand cream,
- and a foot cream or heal balm. I personally recommend Eulactol Heel Balm.

When should I moisturise?
Only moisturise when your skin is clean. After you shower is perfect for your body and face areas. If using a foot cream, apply it under thick socks when you go to bed.
You can also wrap your feet in cling wrap to protect your socks and sheets. For hand cream, use it throughout the day immediately after you've washed your hands.
What else can I do to help my skin?
Exfoliating in the shower with a quality bath oil is great - and when I say exfoliate, I don't mean an exfoliating gel.

Buy a pair of those rough shower mitts you see at the supermarket for a few dollars.
They turn any bath oil or lotion into a exfoliation session AND without hurting the environment like exfoliation bath gels do.
As far as salon-grade treatments go, a good place to start is Diamond Microdermabrasion.
This time-proven treatment cleans out your pores and gently abraids away your dead skin cells.
The next level of intense moisturising are Hyperbaric Oxygen which infuse the important dermal layers of skin with serums.
These powerful serums provide vital nutrients including green tea extract and hyaluronic acid to give you a younger and fresher look which is instantly visible.

Other tips to keep your looking younger
- Drink water, lots of it;
- Exfoliate in the shower at least once a week;
- Eat green leafy vegetables; broccoli, cabbage, spinach leaves;
- Take a good men's vitamin supplement;
- Unless your diet is perfect, take a good fibre supplement. Fibre keeps everything moving through your body and stops toxins building up that can cause premature skin aging, as well as putting unnecessary strain on other organs. Fibre, guys - It's not just for old people.
- Drink water. Not a misprint. It's worth listing twice.
- Exercise. Keep your skin breathing. Sweating might not be comfortable but it lubricates the skin.
So that's it guys. My skin survival tips for winter. Follow them and you'll come into summer looking a lot better than you do right now.