Lingam Massage ≈ Everything you wanted to know

naked oiled man ready to enjoy a Lingam Massage


What is Lingam Massage?

Is Lingam a sacred ritual? A ceremony of spiritual healing? Or just another way for erotic masseurs to market happy endings to horny men?

Lingam Massage focuses on the male genitals but can be a surprisingly deep experience.

As a rare kind of masseur, who provides both remedial massage and sensual massage, let me walk you through what Lingam is all about.

Podium M2M Full Body Massage in Rockhampton

Lingam. Sacred ritual or made-up nonsense?

The term 'linga' or 'lingam' comes from ancient Sanskrit and worship of the god, Shiva. It refers to the penis as a generative source of energy or power.

That's wonderful, and I am totally in sync with tantric practice and philosophy. However, lingam's association with modern massage practices is pretty much an invention of the 20th century.

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When I provide Lingam Massage, it is exactly as you might expect, massage of the penis and erogenous areas. The goal is to heighten arousal, to make the client "edge" as the cool kids say.

Does lingam mean I'll get a happy ending?

Most sex workers use the term to infer happy endings. Sure, it can mean that, but not necessarily.

Every client is different, as are his needs or expectations. Some men hope to climax while others specifically ask not to. They might want to take that energy home to their wife or partner.

Both types of client want to be aroused but that's where the similarity ends. For that reason, I differentiate Lingam Massage from traditional sex work.

Intimate Treatments in Rockhampton

For me, I really enjoy the spiritual and emotional aspects of lingam.

In taking the client on a whole-body journey of pleasure and self-discovery, it's so much more intimate than simply providing a hand job.

For my typical male client, I'm his only male intimate. He bonds with me on a level that he may never experience with another person. He knows he can trust me with his body and spirit when he's at his most vulnerable, and that I'll never let him down.

That trust is so incredibly special to me, and that's what I love about providing sensual massage.

So, armed with all this new information, let's get deep and spiritual.

Your manhood is your furnace of power

Imagine that your genitals, or manhood, are a furnace of power, the centre of your masculine essence. From your manhood, channels fan out into your body like blood vessels, distributing that power where needed.

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When your life is going very well, the furnace of your manhood is roaring, forcing your essence into those channels to your organs, your brain, to the tips of your fingers and toes.

People look at you with envy and adoration. Everything about you glows.

But sometimes life beats you down. You get ill, or you lose your job, or confusion reigns, or your loved one leaves you.

Your furnace diminishes, your channels stop flowing, and your masculine self hides away.

Your furnace is reduced to an ember and your channels and organs are drained. You remain a physical man, but helpless and without direction.

Men need men

Particularly since #metoo and the pandemic, isolation and loneliness have crept into men's lives, even the ones who seem to be coping.

Men's Brazilian Waxing a.k.a Manzilian waxing at Man Thing, Rockhampton

Men often feel emasculated, and it's impossible to talk to friends or family about truly personal problems.

I know all this because they tell me.

Holding a man's penis in my hand while I do his Manzilian wax is the ultimate test of trust.

Once you've done that for a guy, he starts sharing everything with you, every secret, every frustration.

I came to realise that what many guys wanted was an intimate and unwavering male confidante.

My Podium M2M Massage, incorporating aspects of Lingam Massage, is the tool I use to help lift men back onto their feet.

Providing intimate male-to-male massage alongside my mainstream offerings, has improved the tone and pace of my life. It will do the same for you.

In half-light and free from distraction, I'll help you find that happy place inside.

You'll focus on the moment, on our shared energies, on each intimate caress and sensation, and re-emerge into the world a stronger man.