Body & Brazilian Waxing Contraindications

attractive man and woman nude and smooth after their waxing treatments


Before undertaking a waxing treatment, it is vital that you read through this list of known contraindications for waxing to better prepare you for your treatment.

Men's waxing at Man Thing, Rockhampton

Contagious Skin Diseases or Disorders - Waxing Contraindications

Some skin diseases are not easily detectable, and a therapist is left to rely upon client honesty. If a client discloses that they have a skin disease, and it is one that the therapist does not consider a serious contraindication to treatment, the following precautions must be taken:

Visible Skin Trauma - Waxing Contraindications

If someone presents with visible skin trauma, the area is to be avoided.

Lesions, Sores, and Open Wounds - Waxing Contraindications

If someone presents with lesions, sores or open wounds, the area is to be avoided.

Post-Surgical Scarring - Waxing Contraindications

Post-surgical scarring is very deep and takes a long time to heal fully. For that reason, we do not wax over areas of scarring less than six months old, or that reopens periodically.

Keloid or Hypertropic Scarring - Waxing Contraindications

Clients who are genuinely prone to keloid or hypertrophic scarring must be thoroughly informed that there is a risk of skin trauma resultant from waxing, and that it is their decision if they go ahead with the treatment. These clients must only be treated by senior therapists, who have the final call on whether to perform the treatment or not.

Sunburn - Waxing Contraindications

Skin showing signs of redness from sun or solarium exposure must not be waxed.

Very Dry Skin - Waxing Contraindications

Skin damage or tearing can occur where skin is very dry, typically in men. Backs can be notoriously dry. In some instances, dry skin will attempt to absorb the moisture from the wax and this makes it very difficult to remove and heightens the chance of skin trauma. Extra caution should be taken with dry skin. Applying a very light layer of pre-wax oil before strip waxing is beneficial. Also, ask your client if they moisturise regularly, and if not, encourage them to begin doing so.

Reasons why men should regularly moisturise

Thin Skin - Waxing Contraindications

Thin skin can result for many reasons, such as diabetes, aging, use of prescribed skin care creams, and off-the-shelf depilatory creams and sprays. Extreme care is to be taken.

Pregnancy - Waxing Contraindications

While there is no medical evidence to suggest that waxing can harm an unborn child, it is wise to err on the side of safety during the first trimester of pregnancy. No waxing treatments are to be performed during that time.

During the weeks leading up to delivery, it is common for ladies to book in for a bikini or Ladies' Brazilian Wax to avoid being shaved at the hospital. Extra care needs to be taken by the therapist to ensure than no pressure is applied to the client's abdomenal area.

You can also read this detailed article on waxing during the various stages of pregnancy:

Should I get a Brazilian Wax while I'm Pregnant?

Severe Pain - Waxing Contraindications

While a client may not say that they are in pain during a wax treatment, it doesn't mean that they are not. Severe pain presents in varied ways, including excessive sweating, body language, jerking, and while the client may seem at ease, unbearable pain puts both the client and therapist at risk.

For example, if they suddenly jerk their leg towards the therapist's face as has happened in the past. Always be aware of what your client is experiencing, and usually, a good bedside manner is enough to calm the client down.

Fractures, Sprains, and Broken Bones - Waxing Contraindications

If someone presents with fractures or broken bones, no body part is to be treated, as they could strain the break by tensing etc.